Wednesday, September 17, 2014

"If you love something, give it away..."

My first blog post will be a response to Itay Talgam’s TEDtalk “Lead like the Great Conductors.”

I found this TEDtalk very inspiring! It is so amazing how effective one single person’s facial expressions can be.  It goes to show that sometimes simple is better. Overcompensating can greatly decrease the chance of getting the desired result. One of the directors states that the worst thing he can do is give the orchestra clear direction because it prevents the ensemble from listening to each other.
I have experienced ensemble directors who are on both ends of the spectrum. Giving an ensemble clear and precise directions often leads to quick positive results. Providing an ensemble with guidance while allowing them to think for themselves opens a space for musicians to add interpretation. The best music making involves no direct instructions. It promotes creativity and allows the orchestra to become the storyteller.

The final conductor displayed something that I had never seen before. He led the entire orchestra with his honest emotional reactions to the music. I could not help but get a warm feeling inside witnessing the pure joy that he had on his face while in front of the ensemble. I found it fascinating how well the musicians reacted to him and read his direction so well.

Monday, September 15, 2014


Hello, I am currently a student at Memorial University of Newfoundland studying a Bachelor of Music Education. I have created this blog for my Voice and Choral Methods class as a tool to post class materials, discussion, and share resources with fellow classmates and educators.

I am currently living in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada while completing this Music Education degree. I have previously completed a Bachelor of Music degree at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. I have studied clarinet in my music degree, and my career goal is to become a high school band teacher.

I have grown up playing in many bands and orchestras, but I am not at all experienced in the choir world! I imagine I will learn a lot from this blog experience, and hopefully provide some helpful resources to others.

I would love to hear from anyone who wishes to add to the discussion!